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Knight Utopia Co-Lending
Knight Utopia Digital Lending
Knight Utopia SCF
Knight Aurix App
Knight Aurix Chat
Knight Aurix Pay
Treasury Management
Knight Utopia
Experience the Utopian world of lending where technology transforms every aspect of lending. Our Universal Digital Lending Solution seamlessly integrates customer onboarding, AI powered underwriting, automated collections, servicing and portfolio monitoring. Furthermore, supercharge your lending with our state-of-art Co-lending solution.
Supply Chain Finance
Knight Aurix
Convert your institution to a new age bank / neo bank instantly! Provide unparalleled customer experience and convenience at their finger tips by allowing them to complete the end-to-end loan life cycle including repayments through native mobile apps. Acquire customers over WhatsApp channel or extend credit over UPI rails
Aurix App
Aurix Chat
Aurix Pay
Knight Beacon
Experience the beacon of Treasury leading the transformation across balance sheet management. Seamlessly manage borrowings, and investments with greater efficiency through automation along with Al assisted decision support and risk management system. Leverage state-of-art ALM tools for better management of assets and liabilities along with regulatory compliance
Treasury Management
Asset Liability Management
Knowledge Center
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Knowledge Center
Digital Lending
Treasury Management
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